Top 7 Marketing Automation Software

Top 7 Marketing Automation Software

It is not easy to discover in the digital age. The thick opposition and the number of obtainable replacements make it hard for businesses to create a protected spot in the market. Digital marketing is more significant than ever today. As part of the marketing team, you have to produce new leads, increase the conversion rate, and ensure a competitive advantage. That includes everything from designing operative website landing pages to email marketing operations. If you can somehow automate the entire lead generation and organization procedure, your business can take advantage in countless ways. According to emailmonday, 51% of companies are using marketing automation with more planning to assume this solution. 

With that in mind, let’s go over marketing automation and how it can transform your overall marketing strategy. 

What Are Marketing Automation Tools? 

Marketing automation, as the name specifies, is the procedure of making marketing choices in an automated way, free of human actions. In a world where marketing is flattering and more complex, it is indispensable to hand over tedious tasks to excellent marketing automation platforms. Marketing automation tools can make your life easy by handling customer relationships, tracking your leads, and streamlining your marketing workflows. These progressive tools can also come in handy for social media marketing, which is a vital part of any marketing strategy. 

The Benefits of Marketing Automation 

When your business is increasing, and the number of invitees on your online platforms is growing, it can be challenging to keep track of the leads. Staying connected with customers and meeting their needs is, however, imperious for the achievement of your business. 

Automated marketing can help you advance the customer experience and decrease the burden on your properties. That is of countless value to small businesses where time and budget are of the greatest importance. 

Some of the most distinguished benefits of marketing automation are as follows: 

  • Streamline your marketing energies by bringing it all to a single console 
  • Polish email marketing and social media automation with simple steps 
  • Produce new leads, follow up, and strengthen your relationship with current customers 
  • Send modified messages to your customers and make them feel appreciated 
  • Run multiple marketing operations without any hassle 

Top Marketing Automation Platforms 

There are numerous options to choose from when it comes to marketing automation tools. It is indispensable to know your primary goal and your board spectators. Other factors, such as cost, possessions, and software additions must also be measured before choosing. You’ll see an inclusive list of marketing automation podiums in what follows. Your marketing and sales teams will fall in love with what these tools have to offer. 

Marketing Automation Tools for Small Businesses 

Marketo — Automate and accomplish your marketing campaigns 

Drip — Accomplish contacts and purchases with comfort 

HubSpot — Generate new leads and accomplish existing leads 

Pardot — Automate your marketing and succeed in your sales 

AgileCRM — Track, manage, and strengthen relationships with customers 

Mailchimp — Connect with your clients and leads 

Hootsuite — Succeed your social media marketing 

Let’s go through the most user-friendly marketing automation tools,  

  1. Marketo 

Marketo is one of the best marketing automation results in the market. This tool helps you generate focused marketing crusades by detecting and studying customer performance. You can also use Marketo to test dissimilar versions of your marketing approach by using split testing

Marketo is focused more on interacting with customers via emails. That is useful throughout lead scoring and leadership development to grow customer relationships. Moreover, with Marketo, you get useful visions for the enactment of your marketing and advertising movements. Marketo, however, is not see-through about its price. It takes more of an initiative marketing route where you have to contact the sales subdivision first before getting a quote for your marketing solution. 

Price: Contact sales for pricing information. 

  1. Drip 

Drip is a marketing automation tool precisely designed for small businesses. E-commerce brands can particularly advantage the exclusive marketing automation features of Drip bids. 

Drip permits you to create multichannel marketing movements from a single platform. You can use this automation tool to endorse your products and services through email, SMS, social media, and communicating content on your website. Another asset of this marketing automation tool is that it can assimilate with platforms like Shopify and help you make the most out of customer data. 

Price: Free with limited features. Premium plans start at $19/month. 

  1. HubSpot 

HubSpot is an outstanding tool that syndicates the functionality of customer relationship administration (CRM) and arriving marketing to give an operative marketing automation solution. HubSpot can mechanize repetitive tasks and recover customer service with features such as live chat. With its exclusive features, HubSpot goes beyond the limitations of typical CRM software and helps you generate targeted campaigns, thus producing more leads. One of the best features of HubSpot is that it is moderately relaxed to use. You can control all the forms, email campaigns, and social media marketing from a single dashboard and use templates.  

You can also pathway metrics and marketing procedures in real time and enhance them as you see fit.  

Price: Free plan with limited features. Premium plans start at $45/month. 

  1. Pardot 

Pardot is an influential B2B marketing automation tool. This dedicated software by Salesforce is intended primarily for big businesses planning to create strong partnerships and extend their customer base. Pardot gives you the influence to create email marketing campaigns, produce fruitful pipelines, and get respected insights regarding your ROI. One of the toughest features of Pardot is its dominant analytics and reporting using artificial intelligence (AI). 

The price of Pardot may seem high, particularly for small businesses. If you have the proceeds to sustain this tool, you can take your B2B marketing to a whole new level with Pardot. 

Price: Premium plans start at $1,250/month. 

  1. AgileCRM 

AgileCRM is one of the most complete marketing automation solutions. This gear can help you accomplish your relationships with prevailing and probable customers (like a CRM) and add worth to your customer support. AgileCRM shelters four significant features of digital marketing. These comprise email marketing, web engagement, social media, and mobile marketing. This marketing robotics tool also allows you to track your emails and assess their effectiveness. 

The low price is another striking feature of AgileCRM. Small businesses do not have to capitalize on a lot of money getting an all-in-one marketing solution. 

Price: Free with limited features. Premium plans start at $15/month. 

  1. Mailchimp 

Mailchimp is one of the most important marketing automation platforms for small businesses, predominantly when it comes to email marketing automation. This marketing tool helps you appreciate and investigate customer journeys and generate automation consequently. 

Mailchimp lets you produce behavior-based automation contingent on the way users interrelate with your website or application. That is a powerful feature as it generates modified knowledge for your spectators and makes your marketing approach more absorbed. Another strength of Mailchimp is its additional capabilities. It works with other tools and software, such as Stripe and Drupal, to add more value to an online business.  

Moreover, you can set up automation workflows for drip movements for constant contact and build a/b testing crusades to see what works greatest for your customers.  

Price: Premium plans start at $14.99/month. 

  1. Hootsuite 

Hootsuite is all about social media marketing and management. When it comes to selecting marketing automation tools for small businesses, there are very few dedicated marketing platforms for social media. For small businesses, social media marketing is of dangerous standing. That is why Hootsuite is a must-have tool for online businesses. Hootsuite can help you accomplish all of your social media platforms from a single dashboard. This marketing automation tool allows you to save time and effort by scheduling posts and revising them in a calendar format. 

If you’ve just started a business and are in conclusion it is hard to uphold a strong social media presence, Hootsuite can be of countless value. 

Price: Pro plans start at $49/month. 

Final Thoughts: 

Agreeing with Gartner, 68% of organizations predictable their marketing budgets to upsurge in 2021. That shows marketing is attaining momentum, and organizations appreciate how important it is to capitalize in this field. 

Marketing automation tools are a step in the right direction for any business. These tools will help you produce focused marketing campaigns that add noteworthy value to your business. Additionally, these automation tools can decrease the weight on your sales and marketing teams and empower them concurrently. 

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