8 Best AI Writing Software of 2022 (Ranked)

8 Best AI Writing Software of 2022 (Ranked)

In just a few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the landscape of content creation. From chatbots to predictive analytics, AI is changing the way we interact with information. And as AI continues to evolve, so too does its potential for writing exceptional content. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best AI writers of 2022 and what they’re doing to stay ahead of the curve. So whether you’re looking for a new tool to help with your content marketing strategy or just want to see what’s possible with AI-generated text, read on!


When it comes to AI-powered writing tools, Jasper is one of the most well-known and respected options out there. Jasper’s algorithms analyze your data and content to generate headlines, body copy, and even social media posts that are relevant to your audience. And while their marketing materials might make them seem like a one-stop shop for all your content needs, Jasper is really best suited for businesses that have a large amount of data to work with. If you’re not sure if Jasper is right for you, they offer a free trial so you can test it out yourself.


Another popular AI writing tool is Wordsmith. What makes Wordsmith stand out from the competition is its ability to generate long-form content. In addition to headlines, body copy, and social media posts, Wordsmith can also write complete articles on a variety of topics. And while it’s not as data-driven as Jasper, Wordsmith still relies on algorithms to generate its content. This makes it a good choice for businesses that don’t have a lot of data but want content that reads like it was written by a human.


Phrase.io is a little different from Jasper and Wordsmith in that it doesn’t rely on algorithms to generate content. Instead, Phrase.io uses AI to help you improve the quality of your writing. So if you’re struggling with grammar, sentence structure, or tone, Phrase.io can help. And while it’s not a replacement for a human writer, Phrase.io can definitely boost your content output.


Textio is a tool designed specifically for writing better job postings. By analyzing data about what works and doesn’t work in job postings, Textio provides feedback on your text to help you attract the best candidates. And while Textio isn’t AI-powered, its algorithms are still able to generate some pretty impressive results.


Ginger is a grammar checker that also helps you improve your writing style. It does this by identifying words and phrases that are commonly used in bad writing and suggesting alternatives. Ginger also has a built-in dictionary and thesaurus, so you can find the perfect word for every occasion.


Hemingway is a simple but effective tool for improving your writing style. It does this by identifying complex sentences and words that are difficult to read. Hemingway then offers suggestions for how to make your writing simpler and more readable.


If you’re looking for a tool that can help with both content creation and distribution, CoSchedule is worth a look. In addition to headline generators and AI-powered blog post generators, CoSchedule also has tools for creating social media posts, email newsletters, and even video scripts. And best of all, everything is integrated into one platform, so you can easily plan and publish your content.


Customerio is a tool designed specifically for creating customer-centric content. By analyzing data about your customers, Customerio can help you create content that speaks to their needs and interests. And since Customerio is AI-powered, it can analyze data from a variety of sources, including surveys, feedback forms, and even social media posts.

Which AI Writing Software is Right for Me?

Now that you’ve seen what’s available, the question becomes which AI writing software is right for you? The best answer to that question depends on your business and your needs. If you have a lot of data to work with, Jasper is a good choice. If you want content that reads like it was written by a human, Wordsmith is a good option. And if you’re struggling with grammar or style, Ginger or Hemingway can help. CoSchedule is also a good choice if you need help with both content creation and distribution. Ultimately, the best AI writing software for you depends on what you’re trying to achieve.

So which AI writing software should you choose?

The answer to that question depends on your needs and what’s available to you. But hopefully, this guide has given you a better understanding of what’s out there and what might be the best fit for your business. Thanks for reading!

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