How to Send an Email Newsletter for Free with SendinBlue?

Looking to generate a newsletter but don’t know somewhere to start? With the correct tools, you can take your email marketing stratagem to the next level without outlying a dime. Newsletters are an indispensable part of any operative email marketing approach. Nearly any type of business can benefit from knowing how to generate a newsletter. Whether you’re a small business, e-commerce giant or anything in between, email newsletters can help build permanent relationships with your customers. There are so many email marketing services obtainable to WordPress website landlords. They all offer sufficient baked-in features such as mechanization, A/B testing, and easy-to-use drag-and-drop crusade builders. But for those on the cheap, one of the best email marketing solutions is SendinBlue.

The best part? Creating your email newsletter can be free!

To help you get ongoing, this article covers everything you need to know on how to create your newsletter for free with Sendinblue.

Why send email newsletters?

Whether you run a blog, eCommerce shop, or online business, newsletters are an influential way of interacting with those that have shown attention to what you have to suggest – even when they are not present on your WordPress website.

By transferring an email newsletter with SendinBlue to your subscribers, you can attain the following:

  • Produce frequent traffic to your website or blog
  • Build customer faithfulness with reliable engagement
  • Deliver updates about your company or store
  • Highlight your site’s best gratified
  • Indorse your services or products and inspire people to make a purchase

Building a traditional email newsletter with SendinBlue is not problematic at all. And if you keep up regular contact with your subscribers, you’ll see circulation numbers rise, along with adaptations and sales.

Prepare Your Email Newsletter Strategy

Define your email newsletter objectives

Formerly setting out to generate a newsletter, you should describe your objectives. Fruitful newsletters are goal-oriented, and audience-specific, and sustain a larger marketing approach. 

For this reason, the first step to generating a newsletter is planning. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who are my board spectators and what are their needs?
  • What is the penalty area of my newsletter? (Create web traffic, upsurge sales, build better customer relations, generate a loyal following for your content, etc.)
  • What type of gratification am I sending my subscribers? (High-class offers, new blog articles, advertising content, company updates, etc.)
  • How regularly will I send my newsletters? 
  • What do my subscribers contract from my newsletters? What is my worthwhile proposal?

Decide how your newsletter will add worth

One of your top urgencies in creating a newsletter should be to provide that real price to your subscribers. If your movements offer nothing but publicity content, your open rates and click-through rates will suffer. 

You can add price to your newsletters by:

  • Providing modified offers and markdowns via email automation
  • Gesturing to helpful content on your website (new blog posts, how-to guides, etc.)
  • Linking to gated content (eBooks, exercise materials, tools or templates, etc.)

At the same time, sending at regular intermissions and improving your brand’s image, voice, and tone helps your newsletters come across as dependable. In turn, this gets your subscribers in the routine of getting honestly valued and gratified by your business.

Choose a Newsletter Software

You may be asking, “Do I want newsletter software?” 

In short, yes. 

Creating a newsletter is certainly simple, but making sure it gets brought up is another story. If you strained to send a movement to even just a few hundred contacts in Gmail or Outlook, it’s improbable to ever reach your subscribers’ inboxes. For this reason, having devoted email marketing software is indispensable.


Email outcome is contingent on a few factors. Your character as a sender, the newsletter content, and technical features like domain and IP signatures all influence whether your email reaches inboxes. Without taking these things into account, your movements will likely be flagged as junk. 

This is where email marketing software comes in. Consuming an enthusiastic newsletter helps increase deliverability and realizes the more technical features of email advertising for you. An email publicity software should:

  • Help as your email service benefactor (ESP). While ISPs like Gmail and Outlook do the job for persons, they don’t have the volume or level of authentication to guarantee newsletter deliverability
  • Deliver analytics on your campaign, counting open rates, click-through rates, and recoil rates
  • Help you obey GDPR standards
  • Allow you to simply create good-looking and attractive campaigns

Sendinblue’s free drag-and-drop editor lets you generate custom, specialized newsletters rapidly and effortlessly. A free account includes access to dozens of newsletter patterns as well as features like contact organization, marketing automation, and transactional emails/SMS. 

To make the most of this attendant, create your free Sendinblue account now and follow along step-by-step to create your newsletter:

How to direct your first email newsletter with SendinBlue

SendinBlue assimilates flawlessly with WordPress, making it a great email facility to use for sending newsletters. And with its free idea in place, leasing you to send up to 300 emails a day, this platform also appears to be very cost-operating.

Step 1: Generate an email list

Before you can direct your first newsletter using SendinBlue, you need to have subscribers that you can send it to.

Once people pledge to your newsletter, you’ll need to generate an email list in SendinBlue. To do this, log in to your SendinBlue account and enter the dashboard.

Next, go to Contacts > Lists and click on Add a new list.

Give your slant a name and click the blue Generate an unfilled list button.

Need to produce an opt-in form using SendinBlue? No tricky.

To twitch, go to Forms > Subscription and click Create a contribution form.

Next, create a name for your contribution form (for your orientation only) and modify it to look the way you want it to utilize the drag-and-drop builder.

Click Next to choose the email slant you want to save new subscribers to, organize the validation messages, and select the implant technique you want to use to add your new opt-in form to your WordPress website. You can add your opt-in form to blog posts, sidebars, or smooth footers contingent on where you want to board site visitors that reach your website.

Click Done when you’re finished.

Step 2: Enhance subscribers to your email list

Now that you have a new SendinBlue email list, it’s time to increase your subscribers to it. The subscribers you add to this list will obtain the email newsletter you plan to send.

There are two simple ways to add subscriber contact material to your SendinBlue email list:

  1. Physically enter each subscriber’s contact information

To do this, click Add contact and enter the email address, name, and phone number (or any mixture) of your subscriber.

Make sure to first-rate the email list you want to add the subscriber to at the bottom of the screen. This is particularly significant if you have multiple segmented lists so that you send precise email movements at precise times. Make sure to save your changes.

  1. Import your contact list

If you have a large email list and are working with a WordPress Landing-Page plugin like Thrive Architect or Leadpages, you can sign your contacts into SendinBlue with comfort by clicking the Import contacts knob and uploading your file.

No staple which technique you choose, make sure you have all your subscribers in SendinBlue before affecting on to the next step.

Want some more subscribers?

The way you shape an email list filled with absorbed subscribers is to have an opt-in form people can fill out with their contact evidence. Of course, you can always use the steps overhead in your SendinBlue account to generate a subscription form and implant it on your website. But if you favor it, you can always shape a bigger email list in the backend of your site too.

Fortunately, there are sufficient feature-packed WordPress-opt-in-form-plugins obtainable such as Thrive Leads to help you figure out a better email list.

And if you want to stay consistent and use SendinBlue for all things email marketing, there’s always the Newsletter, SMTP, Email Marketing, and subscribe by SendinBlue plugin. With it, you can generate traditional opt-in forms, achieve your contact list, and even send out newsletter movements with ease.

Step 3: Send your first email newsletter

To direct your first email newsletter with SendinBlue, go to Movements in your SendinBlue dashboard. Next, click the generate my first email movement button.

Once you do this, you’ll need to arrange your movement’s settings by satisfying out the form turfs. Give your movement a name, create a subject line, choose which email will seem in the From field, and much more. When you save the situations, you’ll be able to modify your newsletter. The drag-and-drop countryside of the SendinBlue movement manufacturer makes this step a breeze. You can use a pre-made template or shape from scrape. Plus, you can send a test email if you want to make sure everything is employed right.

After your email operation is intended and prepared to go, you’ll get to indicate which subscribers will obtain your newsletter. Since this is your first email newsletter, the probabilities are you’ll only have one email list to select from. But just in case you segmented your lists, make sure to select the right one.

Click Next Step to authorize your email newsletter movement is good to go and then tick Schedule. This will swift one more thing for you to do – choose when to send your campaign. You can send it directly or select a future date.

Click Continue and authorize one last time.

Covering up

And there you have it! You now know how to direct your first email newsletter with SendinBlue. Email marketing is one of the most reasonable and actual ways to forge lengthier lasting relationships with your site visitors, particularly when you use a solid email marketing facility breadwinner like SendinBlue. With a user-friendly border, sufficient customization options, and the aptitude to target the subscribers you want at the best times conceivable, sending an email newsletter with SendinBlue is certainly the way to go.

Alternatively, if Sendinblue isn’t a good fit for your needs, be sure to check out our comparison of Email Newsletter Software.

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