How to Make Money on YouTube in 2022 (Top 7 Ways)

How to Make Money on YouTube in 2022 (Top 7 Ways)

Making money on YouTube is no longer just a pipe dream. In fact, there are several ways to make money on YouTube in 2022. And we’re not just talking about ads. So, if you’re looking to start making some money on the side with your YouTube channel, keep reading! We’ll share the top seven ways to make money on YouTube in 2022.

1. Sell Merchandise

If you have a large and engaged following on YouTube, you could sell merchandise related to your channel. This could be anything from T-shirts and hats to phone cases and stickers. There are a number of platforms that you can use to set up your own store, such as Teespring or Shopify. And, if you have a popular channel, there’s a good chance that you could even land some sponsorship deals from companies that want to align their brand with your content.

2. Sell Digital Products

Another great way to make money on YouTube is by selling digital products. This could include things like e-books, online courses, or even video courses. Again, there are a number of platforms that you can use to sell your products, such as Gumroad or ClickBank. And, if you have a popular channel, you could see a significant boost in sales from people who are interested in what you have to offer.

3. Offer Services

Another option for making money on YouTube is to offer services. This could include things like consulting, coaching, or even teaching classes. If you have a particular skill or know-how that you can share with others, this could be a great way to make some extra money on the side. Just be sure to set up some sort of payment system so that you can get paid for your services.

4. Sell Your Own Products

If you’re a savvy entrepreneur, you could also sell your own products on YouTube. This could include things like physical products, digital products, or even services. By creating and selling your own products, you can potentially make a lot of money on YouTube. Just be sure to invest in some good marketing and advertising to help get your products in front of the right people.

5. Participate in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another great way to make money on YouTube. In affiliate marketing, you partner with other companies and promote their products in exchange for a commission on any sales that you generate. This could be a great way to build relationships with other businesses and promote products that you believe in. Just be sure to choose affiliate programs that are a good fit for your channel and your audience.

6. License Your Videos

If you have videos that are particularly popular, you could license them to other companies. This could include things like TV networks, streaming services, or even other YouTubers. By licensing your videos, you can generate passive income from royalties every time they’re used. And, if you have a video that’s doing particularly well, this could be a great way to make some extra money.

7. Pan for Gold

OK, this one may not technically be a way to make money on YouTube in 2022, but it’s still a great way to make some extra cash. In fact, many YouTubers make a good chunk of their income by panning for gold. There are a number of ways to do this, but one of the most popular is to create a series of videos on how to find gold. Then, once you’ve built up a following, you can sell advertising space on your website or even start charging for access to your content.


There are a number of ways to make money on YouTube in 2022. So, if you’re looking to start generating some extra income from your channel, be sure to try out one of these methods. And, who knows? With a bit of hard work and dedication, you could be making a full-time living from your YouTube channel in no time!

Thanks for reading! We hope this article helped you learn more about how to make money on YouTube in 2022.

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